Volunteer helping a service user with online form-filling

Volunteer helping a service user with online form-filling

The Homeless Drop-In Centre continues to support the homeless and vulnerably housed. We are seeing increasingly numbers of people at the Drop-In who are sleeping rough – about half the average attendance of 65.

Download the FiA Newsletter Winter 2016.

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You can download the following resources for those use by those who may be generously publicising our work

Faith in Action Display pack, comprising: Homeless Drop-In Centre poster, Information sheet, and 10 photos (in all 12 A4 sheets to choose from) 

FiA Stories & Stats from the Drop-In from Faith in Action in Merton: briefing sheets 

FiA Leaflet & donation form  – a double-sided A4 sheet designed to be folded to A5 

We can also supply hard copy leaflets and gift aid envelopes. Contact Faith in Action