Merton Faith in Action Homelessness Project marks its 10th anniversary this autumn.  

There will be 10th Anniversary Event attended by the Mayor of Merton on Monday 13 October, 5.30 pm at the Salvation Army Hall, 109 Kingston Road, SW19 1LT. You are warmly invited to join us. Light refreshments available. For catering purposes please RSVP to

This is preceded by the Merton Faith in Action Homelessness Project AGM at 5 pm which all are also welcome to attend.

10th Anniversary Event agenda:
Faith in Action review: the past 10 years and future plans
Messages of support, opened by the Mayor of Merton, Councillor Agatha Akyigyina
Service user and volunteer speakers
Questions and sharing of reflections on the development of the charity over the past 10 years
Opportunity to view the area in which the homeless drop-in service is offered.