Do you or one of your family have a laptop that you no longer use? And would like to put it to a good use? If so, then we’d love to hear from you. How will we use your laptop? To help users find accommodation, look for jobs, communicate home and generally...
Saturday 29th January marked the start of Homelessness Week 2012. 12 girls from Ursuline School and 2 young men from Wimbledon College kindly gave up their Saturday to join FiA volunteers at Savacentre to collect money for the drop-in. £800 was raised in all. Those...
38 people braved below zero temperatures to sleep out on Saturday 28th January to raise money for FiA and the YMCA homeless programme. The SLEEP EASY event was organized by Rebecca Montgomery, centre Manager of the YMCA. Stephen Alambritis, Leader of the Council...