Thank you very much to all those who contributed to the cost of two new cookers in the Homeless Drop-In kitchen. Special thanks to Revd Andrew Wakefield, the former Mayor of Merton David Chung, and Ursuline High School (see below). Here are photos of the cookers in...
There will be a General Meeting of the Faith in Action Merton Homelessness Project on Thursday 22 September 2016 at the Wimbledon Guild. The purpose of this meeting is to elect a new Trustee.
The Homeless Drop-In Centre continues to support the homeless and vulnerably housed. We are seeing increasingly numbers of people at the Drop-In who are sleeping rough – about half the average attendance of 65. Download the FiA Newsletter Winter 2016. Follow us...
Our loyal team of Faith in Action volunteers produced a splendid traditional Christmas lunch on 18 December, and there were carols too in both English and Polish. Then on 20 December the Salvation Army New Malden produced an amazing Korean Christmas lunch as this...
We are seeing increasing numbers of local homeless in the Drop-In, and our costs are increasing too. Please help us with our fundraising. • We need a Volunteer to advise us on successful fundraising – see FiA Volunteer fundraising adviser role description. • We...
The Homeless Drop-In Centre continues its work for the homeless and vulnerably housed, and during the summer we have had about 70 people at each of the twice-weekly sessions. The number sleeping rough in Merton is increasing due to Benefit rule changes, and we are...