FiA chosen as a Mayor of Merton charity

FiA chosen as a Mayor of Merton charity

We’re delighted to have been chosen as one of the new Mayor of Merton’s charities for 2019. Many thanks to Councillor Janice Howard for her support for our work to help homeless people in the borough. Visit the London Borough of Merton website for...
Latest Newsletter – and a fond farewell!

Latest Newsletter – and a fond farewell!

Our latest newsletter has been published, featuring updates on our activities and initiatives to help local homeless and vulnerably-housed people in and around Merton.  Download it here – FIA newsletter May 2019. This Easter saw the retirement of long-serving...
Christmas lunch for 93

Christmas lunch for 93

The Merton Homeless Drop-in Christmas lunch was enjoyed by 93 service users on Wednesday 19 December. The photo shows carols before lunch. Thank you to generous donors who made it all possible, and to staff and volunteers for all their hard...
Homeless Drop-In repainted

Homeless Drop-In repainted

We’re really grateful to members of the Brazilian Pentecostal Church who have just repainted the Homeless Drop-In’s interior walls. (The Brazilians also hire the same Salvation Army hall in Kingston Road.) The hall looks so much cleaner and brighter now,...
Christmas donations 2018

Christmas donations 2018

Christmas donations for homeless people Those who use the Merton Homeless Drop-In would be particularly grateful for the following items: Sleeping bags: really useful in an emergency. Mobile phones: service users need simple functioning mobile phones so they can be...
Autumn newsletter, AGM & Open Evening 2018

Autumn newsletter, AGM & Open Evening 2018

>> Download the FIA newsletter Autumn 2018. The Merton Homeless Drop-In is run by professional staff, assisted by a large number of volunteers to whom we are very grateful. Volunteers work in the Drop-In in a variety of roles, from welcoming service users, to cooking...